Outsourcing your direct mailing, 2 times 5 reasons.

Direct mailing outsourcing is profiting from the power of direct mail

Before we give you 5 reasons to outsource your direct mail to a specialized direct mail company give we first tell you a little more about the potency of direct mail. As you know, the Internet and digitization have taken the world by storm, that's for sure. Yet in retrospect traditional direct mailing has certainly proven to be a keeper. No indeed it is no longer the case that companies and organizations send out mass mailings but this is precisely where the potential lies. This way of communicating with current and potential customers today has again proven to be unique, personal and above all effective.

5 reasons to outsource direct mail

1. Save time and resources and maintain your focus:

Het hele traject voor direct mailing campagnes kost energie en de kans is groot dat uw organisatie niet over ervaring en/of kennis bezit die nodig zijn voor een succesvolle mailing. U zult dus moeten kiezen waaraan u uw tijd aanbesteed. Uw direct mailing uitbesteden biedt voor u de ruimte om uw mensen en middelen in te zetten op de meer crucialere taken die een grote bijdrage leveren op de ontwikkeling van uw bedrijf.

The outsourcing your direct mail It is also often much cheaper and, not unimportantly, it benefits the quality of your mailings. Your employees are no longer busy arranging print work, making it ready to send and keeping track of their own offer to the mail handler.. You can even outsource the response processing to a direct mail company.

2. Personalize your client contact

A personal approach to your customers is what direct mailings is all about. From experience we can tell you that this personal approach is appreciated by many customers. By using a direct mailing company working together, it becomes easier to not only do segmentation but we can also use our data analysis insights give into the needs, motives and interests of your customer. Using data makes it much easier to be more relevant to your target audience.

3. Saving and major investment on machinery and resources

When you hardly have many mail objects / bulk mail sent then investing in inventory (paper, envelopes and packaging materials) printers, envelope inserting machines, postage machines and packaging machines is too much of a cost. You will not recover these expenses. You will also have to deal with maintenance costs.

4. Compliance with personal data and privacy legislation (GDRP).

By outsourcing your direct mailing, you can ask your questions and for advice on the GDRP regulations can be given to a direct mail specialist. You can show your target group that you handle personal data and privacy with care.

An opening ratio of 90%, that's what an optimized direct mailing has

5. More ROI from your direct mail

Outsourcing your direct mailing

Uw direct mailing uitbesteden aan experts vergroot uw de kans aanzienlijk dat u nog meer succes zult behalen met uw mailing. Wist u dat een direct mail een openingsratio heeft van maar liefst 90%? Moet u naar gaan wanneer u  de juiste snaar weet te raken en de juiste doelgroep weet te bereiken. Uw rendement zal hoger liggen dan de gemiddelde online mailing. Ook heeft de ervaring ons geleerd dat een traditionele postale mailing een aanzienlijke bijdrage kan leveren bij het bouwen aan een hechtere relatie.

5 good reasons to outsource your direct mail to Mailing Masters

Do you also want to outsource your direct mailing? Then get in touch with us. We are glad to help you build successful direct mailing campaigns. We are a full service direct mail company and can, if you wish, take the entire process off your hands. From design, printing, folding, enveloping and mailing of your direct mailings. foil wrapping and the cost-effective mailing of your mail. We can also expand and optimize your database. We would like to give you 5 reasons why we are a good direct mail partner.

1. The flexibility of our people and services.

You can come to us for a full service but also just for optimizing your address file or the stuffing your envelopes or just the sending. We can store and manage your inventory.

2. Over 30 years of experience in the world of direct mail

The people at Mailing Masters know better than anyone what is involved in sending a successful mailing. Based on this experience we can think along with you and advise you.

3. Savings in printing and postage costs.

As a direct mail company print and send we handle daily mail items on such a large scale that we have been able to achieve attractive purchasing rates and conditions with our suppliers. Not only us but ultimately also our customers benefit from this.

4. Urgency and speed while maintaining quality

Do you have an urgent mailing that needs to be sent out before a certain deadline? For us this is often not a problem, our business processes are set up in such a way that we can often switch when necessary. We do this weekly for 1 of our clients. In many cases you do not even have to pay extra for an urgent shipment. Of course we also take care of quality assurance.

5. Ensuring scope of your mailing

In addition to the right message and an attractive presentation, selecting the right target group is essential for a successful mailing. You need to have the right address file. We can assist you with this.   

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